Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Eid Day

So it wud be Eid tommorow inshAllah. Such a day brings so much good memories and lonely times i had in last five years.

Hope you all have a wonderful day, though i'll be at work in evening :(( :'( !


At 2:50 am, Blogger Mariam said...

If it makes you feel any better, I has classes from 8 till 3 on Eid day... and then I spent 2 hours at the clinic for my cold :|
Eid Mubarak!

At 2:25 pm, Blogger Tauqeer said...

lol if it was class i wud have missed it! laiken job to job hai na....and if that makes u feel any better, i got a flu/cold as well, from a week now!

At 4:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eid Mubarak to you Dear. This is your brother Abdullah, back from Collage.

At 2:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eid Mubarak!
hpe u hav a gud time

At 12:42 pm, Blogger Tauqeer said...

Collage u mean? Abdullah from university right??

At 9:46 pm, Blogger Khawab said...

i had college in da morning n work in da evenings..... plus i had already missed last class cuz i slept in *blushing*
so i couldnt miss ma class

so beat that :/

wesa eid mubarak to u to
Hope u enjoyed it alot

At 10:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope Touqeer you forgot me i was your senior. May be this will remind you i was the house Captain in Rumathiya School.

At 6:45 am, Blogger Tauqeer said...

oh acha abdulluah bhatti! u shud ave scrapped me on orkut! :)

At 11:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


We hope that ATP (All Things Pakistan) will be a blog about discussion, not rants.

Our aspiration is to indulge in a conversation with others — Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis — about Pakistan as a living, breathing, vibrant, vigorous, multi-dimensional, complex society. This is in direct retaliation to the dominant discourse on Pakistan that tends to be about various versions of ‘Pakistan–the cardboard cut-out’.

There is much to celebrate in Pakistan, but there are also serious problems. The purpose of ATP is to talk about the problems constructively and to celebrate enthusiastically that which deserves to be celebrated. To embrace Pakistan in all its dimensions — its politics, its culture, its minutia, its beauty, its warts, its potential, its pitfalls, its facial hair, its turbaned heads, its shuttlecock burqas, its jet-setting supermodels, its high-flying bankers, its rock bands, its qawalls, its poets, its street vendors, its swindling politicians, its scheming bureaucrats, its resolute people… in essence, all things Pakistani.

ATP is about ‘all things’ but it cannot be about ‘everything.’ There is always a choice about what to put in and what to focus on. ATP wants to be balanced but also eclectic. We will focus on things that are primarily about Pakistan, will do so from a primarily Pakistani perspective, but we will also try to talk about things that others are not talking about. This is not a ‘news blog’ that simply comments on the headlines of the day. There are plenty of those already. Our criteria is to find interesting topics, neglected topics, and pertinent topics about, you guessed it, all things Pakistan.

See ATP’s 1st Post (June 11, 2006) here.

See ATP’s 100th Post (July 16, 2006) here.

See ATP’s ‘Going Forward’ Post (August 18, 2006) here.

See ATP’s move to Pakistaniat.Com Post (September 1, 2006) here.

ATP is was created by Adil Najam, and is now maintained by Adil Najam, Bilal Zuberi and Owais Mughal.

At 3:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry 4 late comment...but u r working in pak...pak is a muslim country...y wudnt a muslim country give u a day off on eid ??? :O

At 4:06 am, Blogger Tauqeer said...

Ya that was my first reaction...no off on eid day, whats the point of living in a muslim country then!!! laiken well being engineers, we have to duty to make things easier for others, in my case keep this stupid contact centre running!

At 12:23 am, Blogger Mariam said...

Knock knock!!!

At 11:56 pm, Blogger Mariam said...

Where are you?? :O


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