Thursday, February 03, 2011

Winter stroll

This week I happen to visit a site for some work related activity. Actually it was this building, called Kuwait Trade Centre. It is a relatively a new building with a very unique twisted outline. Anyhow, the guy I was supposed to see was not there yet so I decided to have stroll outside, and what could be better than a calm, lush green, and a peaceful park? which was opposite the place.

I decided to give it a go. This park is now called 'Martyr Park', named after all those martyrs who fought against Iraqi army during Kuwait's invasion in 1990. Well, I couldn't remember when was the last time I visited this park, although I am sure we did it as children, as a family we must have been there, probably back in 80's? It was just nice to walk around, listen to birds, feel the freshness of the grass, and even weather was suitably nice that evening, would be around 15C with no clouds.

I took one picture from my old mobile, so obviously didn't turn out very well, yet I would like to share it with you guys:

And this another snapshot I made just to capture changing skyline of the Kuwait city:

Hope you all enjoyed reading.



At 4:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nyc :)

At 7:30 pm, Blogger Susanne said...

how nice! I'd love to take a winter stroll there! :)

At 9:26 pm, Blogger Farrukh said...

The first one looks so dreamy. It reminds me of a place I used to visit a lot in my childhood days.

At 10:20 pm, Blogger Tauqeer said...

Thank you guys for your comments. It was certainly very nice and calm place.

These days, at least over here, people either go to commercial centres or Malls with their children but I think going to a garden/park has a very different feeling, which they never get to realise.

At 4:20 pm, Blogger M said...

I hate to see that my kids (siblings) miss the education that a park and dirt gives.
Playpark and gardens stroll are soo liberating for a person.

At 9:36 pm, Blogger Tauqeer said...

@Mysh: True, changing times...

Thanks for dropping by!

At 3:32 pm, Blogger Nas said...

The park looks lovely and so peaceful.

Thank you for sharing

At 3:36 pm, Blogger Tauqeer said...

@Nas: Sure it does.

Thank you for dropping by.

At 1:55 pm, Blogger Uni said...

Its so clean and beautiful :(
I mean.. nice !

At 1:58 pm, Blogger Tauqeer said...

@Uni: LOL @ :(

and thanks for dropping :)


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