My personality report: Jobsite
This section of your report reveals your values in a social context:FAMILY
Some people spend all their time at work and others prefer to put the family first, but you believe that there can, and should, be a balance between work, home and other aspects of your life. You're a great advocate of equality and within your family you are committed to members being equal. There is an emphasis on joint participation and collaboration on interests and pursuits.COMMUNITY
You believe that a community works best when people have clear roles and status levels - when everyone knows how they fit in to the community and what their position is. As a good member of the community you don't want to cause trouble or rock the boat. You know your place and believe most people are part of a stable 'quiet majority'.LIFE VIEW
For you, everything works best when people carefully manage their time so as to get the most out of their whole lives. Through this successful management you believe that life has the potential to be truly harmonious. It may be idealistic, but you view the human race as one 'big family' and that all people are created equal and are fundamentally caring and decent. Our responsibilities stretch beyond our race however, with the need to take care of the natural world of animals and plants.PERSONAL
This section of your report reveals your values in a personal context:PERSONAL PREFERENCES
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, there's just no escaping it. We're good at some things and in certain situations and not so hot elsewhere. It's part of being human.For you, you're committed to being inclusive and democratic. You are a supporter of human rights and will be participative in activities supporting those rights. This mindset extends to working for the benefit of nature and the world as a whole.
Only in the eyes of our mum do we tend to be perfect. In reality, there are usually a few things we're not so good at. For you, sometimes you may be susceptible to being influenced by peer pressure and at times may not take things to their ultimate conclusion. Being such a good people-person, you're also disinclined to work alone, which may restrict or limit you.
Everyone has a preferred way of learning. And we're not just talking about in school - you're often faced with learning something new at work. When this happens, you like to know precisely why it's necessary for you to learn something new and who made the decisions.You prefer to be taught by a well-organised and accepted authority on the subject. You work best if the instructions they give you are spelled out clearly and precisely define the standards you're expected to reach. If that all happens and you or someone else still gets it wrong, you've no problem with errors being punished appropriately.
You firmly believe that decisions should be made by the appropriate team or group. This will be achieved through discussion where feelings are valued as much as facts. You desire collaborative decisions where reaching consensus is deemed very important. The approach is distinctly democratic.MOTIVATIONAL PREFERENCES
You have a strong desire to make sure the things you do are done to an acceptable level. You don't want to be seen to not be doing something good enough. Especially as most of the time these levels are set by people with seniority, people like your boss. And if need be, you're willing to make sacrifices as long as they're reasonable.In terms of getting something back, you appreciate it - as it's only fair - when consistent, dependable and long-term service is recognised and rewarded.
This section of your report reveals your values in a work context:JOB TYPE
You like to be in a place where you're given a clearly defined job structure. One where you can turn up to work, get a good days' work done and then go home. No vagueness, no waffle. You expect yourself and your colleagues to follow the correct procedures and work orders and when they're not followed, you can expect to get into trouble.The more precisely defined your job is the more you prefer it. You don't like changes in your job. Instead you prefer a job that is secure, stable and unchanging. You like to focus on doing your job correctly and prefer to leave others to do likewise.
As for loyalty, it's important to you to be a loyal employee and in return you expect to be treated with respect.
Good communication is essential for everyone, but different people have different preferences for the way it's done. Within an organisation you prefer it if senior people clearly describe all the appropriate rules, processes and regulations. The greater the precision, the more comfortable you are with the communication. The message underpinning communication should always focus upon doing your duty and on reliability.The greater the formality, clarity and brevity the more you like it. The last thing you want is someone spouting jargon and gobbledegook! You'd rather a plain speaking, more conservative language.
If you're going to be happy in your job, you need to find a company that suits the way you like to work. You work best in organisations with a formal and recognisable hierarchy. It's important to you to be told exactly where you fit within that hierarchy, including knowing who you report to and who reports to you. You're also going to want to know all the procedures and rules that apply to your job.For the most part, you believe that rewards go to people for delivering to standards and for seniority. For you, by delivering to standards you can demonstrate your worthiness within the organisation. For your comfort and peace of mind, where possible you prefer an organisation that is predictable and risks are low to zero.
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